Thursday, December 17, 2009

End of my Milwaukee era

Tomorrow is the last day i will be at UW Milwaukee. Couldn't be happier. Gunna transfer to Carroll U for next semester just to do track to make my parents happy, because it seems like all they care about is me doing track. Annoying. Then hopefully I will get to do what I want and go to MATC for Music Occupations. Which would be kinda cool. My wish is to go to Belmont University in Nashville, TN. But I have come to terms of this never happening.

As for the Vinyl Elephant. We now have a music store backing us, sweet. We have an old track coach doing networking for us, sweet. Kaz found us a producer?!?!, sweet. And Bret can get us into his G-Pas recording studio to record our demo, sweet. But its not all good news. I found out that in March Bret is leaving to go to Air Force boot camp, and plans to stay with the Air Force afterward. Which means that in March Vinyl Elephant looses our lead guitarist and a big part of our song writing process. As for Nico, I am waiting to see if he will be re-joining the band. If he is, that will kick some ass, but if not we have Karch to rock the drums. But even if Nico comes back, i will be teaching Karch guitar. I guess we will keep him around ;). Now comes the task of getting some songs completed to record for the demo. Then starts the age of the Elephant.

That should do it for this one.
Peace out if you actually read this :)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Left for Dead 2 and Vinyl Elephant

Today was a good day. Went to Kaz's (the bassist) house and got some band practice in. Karch took his first whack at drums. Thein is still nasty on guitar and can play to anything me and kaz think up. and i am still pretty much useless, with my 30 some songs and they are just lyrics with no music. Being the singer is a pretty unstressful part of the band. so far...

We had enough of getting no where musically for the day so we played Left 4 Dead 2. Im in love. i dont play many video games, due to my motion sickness when i play them, but i played for at least 4 hours. i don't know why but i am obsessed with zombies. i still need to get some kick ass zombie disigns for my tats... i have got some good ideas from people, but would really like some drawings... :)

Peace out,


p.s. I still don't know why i blog, when no one reads this.

its therapy :)

Friday, October 23, 2009


Mid Term

DJ Tate

Film 301

The show I choose for my Mid Term assignment is Star Trek. Star Trek is a show that used to be on a bunch of different channels, but is no longer airing new episodes. You can still catch the old episodes on the Sci-Fi Channel every now and then. Now I’m not really a “Trekie” but I do watch nerd TV like G4 and all that, so I always see things like documentaries and stuff about it. Star Trek takes place in outer space so you wouldn’t think it would have to do anything with globalization, but that assumption would be wrong. In the show there are a lot of different alien races and what not and the show has a lot to do with real world issues and hits on some key points.

The Franchise started in 1966 and ended in 2005. It has been syndicated and re-aired in other countries and still hits on the same issues. I chose this because it was the best example I could think of that has to do with globalization, or at least what I take as globalization.

In the show they touch on topics ranging from racism to cultural migration. The enterprise crew is also made up of many people of different species, which on that show species are basically the races. There aren’t really races among the species as there were no tussles between them, but when it came to people from different planets, what would equal countries in real life, there is usually some sort of tension. A lot of the episodes had to do specifically with economic or political issues at the time the episode was being filmed. Which keep in mind was back in the 60’s and 70’s for some of them, but the more recent episodes have to do with more recent topics (obviously).

I don’t think that each country the show is in changes it at all. The only thing that changes is the language it is in. But I don’t think they have to because the topics they talk about and stuff have to do more than just the U.S., they have to do with everywhere, because racism and that stuff happens everywhere.

I think the show, at heart, is trying to unify people from all around the world to find common ground so there is less arguing. Even though some Star Trek fans don’t really pay attention to the racial undertones, or the political happenings of the show, they are still fans and go to conventions and possibly meet up with the fans that do care about them and might get them interested. I’m not saying this actually happens, but I would bet there has been a case or two of it. So I do believe it really does bring some people together, that would normally would not meet or talk to each other, and it’s a good thing.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Whats on my mind? Cause no one cares...

Its midnight, and i have to write my english 101 paper still. great.
Track sucks, can't wait for tomorrow...
This is a weak ass first blog, i apologize. but no one is reading this anyways...
thats it for now. i am sooo interesting.